Paint Correction

Phantom Auto Pros Paint correction process restores the gloss and shine to you vehicles paint. Paint correction is the systematic levelling of the paint through various compounds and polishes to remove defects such as orange peel, swirl marks, holograms, light scratches, oxidation, water spots and contamination. Proper paint correction refines your paints finishing, levelling out the clear coat, which enhances the gloss and clarity of your paint. We have over 50 combinations of pads, machines, polishes to achieve your desired end result. No corners are cut as we spend upwards of 5-25 hours on a cars paint work to get the finish just right. As most shops have a standard combination of compound and polish for all their cars, we know that this isn’t a one size fits all scenario. We go through numerous combinations of compounds, polishes and machines to determine which combination will give the absolute best end result.

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6001 196A st. Langley, BC, Canada

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